Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Wow, overwhelmingly true! I can feel this city reading your words!
Sydney Krivenko
[01.Dec.06 00:54]
Wow, overwhelmingly true! I can feel this city!

 =  Very emotionate, I can feel and see this city you're describing! Wow, ! Sydney
Sydney Krivenko
[01.Dec.06 00:52]
Sorry, I forgot to sign my comment, again a big wow! Very emotionate!

 =  my fault
Heghedus Camelia
[01.Dec.06 21:53]
I do not understand why my comment appeared on “OffTOPIC!” section, maybe by mistake. I am sorry. Maybe I did something wrong.

 =  Thank you!
Edilberto González Trejos
[01.Dec.06 15:01]
Dear Sydney, thanks for your comments. You enrich my text!

Wow! Camelia... Thanks a lot for the translation.


 =  muchas Gracias, me gustan tus poemas tambien. Has hecho bien! Sydney
Sydney Krivenko
[18.Mar.07 00:51]
A very good text, like i said before, but I chose it to thank you for your comment on my "inside". Gracias, Edilberto, muchas gracias, estoy feliz que mis poemas te gustan, me gustan las tuyas, tambien. Has hecho bien! Sydney

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