Comentariile membrilor:

 =  !
Marius Surleac
[02.Dec.08 20:41]
Victor, this is not a haiku. It looks more like a senryu or just a tercet. Ask me, hope I won't forgot, to send you some links that might help you.

Best wishes,

 =  Marius, please...
Victor Potra
[02.Dec.08 21:28]
... see the Romanian version of the poem. Maybe my translation is quite poor, we must discuss... :)
But in Romanian I'll sustain till bitter end that this is a haiku! :))
I have revealed in my comments why… But I‘m really open on any landmarks stated by you… :)
Really thankful for your support, Victor.

 =  yeap
Marius Surleac
[02.Dec.08 21:50]
Victor, here you used two verbs. I read the Romanian version as well and looks better than the English one - also, now I observed the subtitle that helps with the style. It is good for your first haiku attempt. I was in the same situation with my first haiku and now I have revised them in a smooth shape.


 =  Marius, please do so...
Victor Potra
[03.Dec.08 11:48]
I kindly remind you to send me the links you told me about. I know I can use some improvement :)
Somehow I also have the impression that in the English version of this poem I lost some of the feeling present in Ro version, and this may be truly damaging. I see haiku as a state of mind. Intensity is the key. I'll try to extract at least one verb.
Thanks a lot!

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