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 =  enchanting...
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[18.Jul.05 09:56]
what can i say...i have just mentioned it before...the scenary is enchanting...magic...a world beyond...what does w.b.t.l stand for? i figured world beyond the light...seems fit...but...what is it actuallY?
all the best,

 =  Thematic unity
Edilberto González Trejos
[18.Jul.05 21:51]
Dear Roxana,
Those were poems written with a 1-year gap.
It happens often in me that I have a seed inside and out of it comes a poem forth, but the seed is still there, and then there comes a series, with a thematic unity.
Yes, there is a special place, a lake near my grandpa´s farms... However, there is a lot of inner sight, imagination and cosmic view on these 2 poems... originally conceived as "World by the Lake"... BUT... your interpretation "WORLD BEYOND THE LIGHT" is absolutely BRIGHT, I love it!

Best 2 u


 =  ...twilight...
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[20.Jul.05 10:09]
well...yes...i think world by the lake is nice...also world beyond the light..actually, what i ment to say is that the scenary gives you the impression of a soft twilight, of a world beyond the light...very nice..beautiful...really loved it...this world is also the source of my inspiration for the volume i am now writing...
so...good luck, all the best...

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