Comentariile membrilor:

+ The Translation Week Award- English
Anca Anghel Novac
[01.May.04 05:46]
Yes indeed your translations are accurate and sound.
Will wonder if there will be any chance in the future to hear you also on radio agonia.
I would be curious to hear this beautiful poem read by you.


 =  Elevating experience
Corina Dragomir
[15.Jun.04 22:42]
The profoundity of the inner life is masterfully presented in simple words that touch the beauty of mankind in all its forms. Love beyond materiality has been dealt with majestically.

 =  Radio? Where?How?
Iuliana Ungureanu
[20.Aug.04 04:48]
I would be happy to read any of these translations on radio agonia, I just don't know where to go or who to contact. Sorry for my delayed answer, I've been away from this part of the site for way too long, it seems..

 =  Very nice :)
ioana dintica
[27.Dec.08 18:41]
Beautiful, you made me see and feel it all, thank you :)

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