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 =  Camica
Luminita Suse
[06.Nov.04 22:07]
Hi! Your poem is very appealing, I must confess.
There one detail that confuses me a bit… I could not understand who is this “she” in the verses below:
I will touch her every room
And she will breathe love more easier.

I will take a leap of faith and assume “she” is “it” i.e. “the heart”. Actually, I will tell you a secret: I believe that, by replacing “she” and “her” with “it” and “its” in those verses, the Romanian woman will eliminate a serious rival. Do you know what I mean?

 =  How is this idea?
Ioana Camelia Popa
[08.Nov.04 15:47]
You guessed right, in those verses it is about the heart, but what if "the heart " it is not a rival, but a weapon or a tool, a personified one...

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