Comentariile membrilor:

 =  to be corrected
Anca Anghel Novac
[28.Apr.04 20:47]
"around rinkles and eyes"- pay attention to "rinkles"
"around whispers and grims"- pay attention to "grims"
"filtred through the cigarette smoke"- ....."filtred"
"surching for me"- ....."surching"
"at which I mesure my bloodpressure"-"mesure","bloodpressure" ( there is not such a noun "bloodpressure" but there are two nouns used together as "blood pressure"
"upon which streches"-....."streches"
"with unloaded bateries"- ...."bateries"
"condamning to black"- ...."condamning"

So please pay attention to this errors and make the corrections. Hope there is no one left by me. Itis always good for you to check also.

Thank you.

 =  anca
Irina Iacovescu
[29.Apr.04 18:49]
thanks for your patience! this text was full of errors and I can't tell if i made all the corrections, as you suggested. I hope it is a little better now and if there are still mistakes, I will correct them also! Once again, thank you!

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