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 =  tough job
ion amariutei
[19.Dec.03 22:23]
it's tough translating Nichita Stanescu and i think you did a pretty good job. i don't have much experience with translations myself, but i've noticed a few things:

sometimes, staying too close to the original text can produce segments that sound *unnatural* in the other language. many poets have their poems read aloud, by themselves or by actors. when translating, might be useful to do the same in the new language. i would suggest a few changes, not because your version is *incorrect* but just because it might *sound* better:

*writing is a way to slow down thinking,
to draw roughly
the face of faceless beings*

thingers and things = *fingers and things*

*They've cast your face in bronze
and then in iron*
*they've cast your face in stone*
*they've cast your face in words
mold you like a heart*

*Writing is just like a snare
catching a fox alive,
still moving
and struggling
and weak with the fear of death*

*at the beginning of the forest I've set my traps
made of A and A*

*Now I stand not too far
waiting to catch my food*

 =  Really tough job
kurt cnejevici
[19.Dec.03 23:19]
Following in Ion’s steps, I agree with what he said. In addition, you really have to pay more attention to the spelling. Just a few: primitively not “primitiveley”, thinkers not “thingers”, goddess not “godess”, Primitive not “pimitive”, stopping not “stoping”, resembles not resemblences, beginning of the forest not “begining of teh” , I wait to catch my food instead of “cathing”

 =  thanks
Miriam Cihodariu
[22.Dec.03 00:15]
Thank you for stopping by and for the suggestions, Ive already followed some of them. I don't know waht came into me, I stranslated the text "live" in a couple of minutes and sent it directly. But I feel good about it, I think I've doe a preety good job, just like Ion said. That's what counts, isn't it?

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