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 =  Wild imagination (mine? or yours?)
Daniela Maria Benea
[14.Feb.07 23:51]
Felix, I like the 'bows', it brings back memories of the good old times! (particularly of beautiful ladies, wearing dresses, tight at the waist, with hoops, long and large; the men wearing those jackets with tails, funny haircuts, and of course the bowing before and after the dance).
I also like the idea of the 'maiden's hoof'! How did the guy swallow it?
I prefer the 'nowhere', to be France! I just have this soft spot for that country...Did I watch too many movies, do you think? Or is my imagination running wild after reading your poem?! Either way I think it's beautiful...

 =  some
Heghedus Camelia
[14.Feb.07 14:24]
horns, an empty pouch...(?)

 =  clerking
felix nicolau
[14.Feb.07 23:47]
Daniela actually nobody has had the ideea of perceveing this poem as a sign of past times. don't know about the hoof, i only wonder ahere is the rest of the girl...

Camelia, who knows? maybe the poor man remained only with the horns while his wife left leaving him a darling hoof

 =  My wild imagination...
Daniela Maria Benea
[15.Feb.07 23:48]
If no one came up with an explanation like mine, about the old times, I suppose I have a wild imagination! Regardless of that, the poem is beautiful.

 =  the clerks' ball
John Willy Kopperud
[16.Feb.07 11:05]

That's what I call an appetite for entertainment!
Makes me think of Dada. Am I on the wrong track?

Cheerful greetings from Willy

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