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 =  well
Corina Gina Papouis
[12.Dec.08 18:54]
when you put it like that...
I guess that's not 'melting' just the hymen of autumn but the ...lap-top screen started to smell funny, too:)
an interesting open-minded approach, the transition autumn-winter is hot-hot-hot, some would say far too open, ...but not me!:)
I appreciate the originality and the courage!

 =  hope to be back soon, with another cartoon :)
Victor Potra
[23.Dec.08 17:59]
Corina, thanks for the appreciations and support.

Please forgive me for the delayed answer, right now I’m in the “silent mode” :)

“Hope to be back soon, with another cartoon” :)) – remember Woody, don’t you?


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