Comentariile membrilor:

 =  may
felix nicolau
[25.Oct.08 23:09]
it may be very interesting a high-tech perspective in the realm of angels

 =  thank you Felix!
Marius Surleac
[25.Oct.08 23:14]
Hi Felix! Yes, it might! The general realm of angels is a pleasant topic for me and I wish to modify the old beliefs and view points about, with this collection of mine: "poems with and about angels". Thank you very much!


 =  angles flying
ion a
[26.Oct.08 07:36]
interestingly, first time i've read: "when angles have their wings cut off". but then again, i've been known to let myself hypnotized by anagrams

you might wanna try a different setting in "pigeons come and go and drop", perhaps put "drop" on the next line. on the same line with pigeons, looks too much like "droppings"


 =  Thank you Ion!
Marius Surleac
[26.Oct.08 12:52]
Ion, thank you very much for the suggestion. Before posting this poem I thought would be a bit of musicality but also something there didn't look so good - I was wrong and now I've changed it and has a better flow though. Thank you very much!

Best wishes,

 =  original lines.
Vicleanu Mihaita
[27.Oct.08 11:10]
the myth of angels..yes...always a good theme...I really enjoyed your modernism and surrealism ...clever vision on today's angels...keep up the good work !!

my kind regards, Mihai

+ Just leave me with...
John Willy Kopperud
[27.Oct.08 11:16]
...that image; the cup of tears and I'm quite content. This is
a poem where tradition and modernity comes together!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Thank you Mihai!
Marius Surleac
[27.Oct.08 20:30]
Mihai, thank you very much for your beautiful words. I am glad you've seen my poem that way, though it's not so well developed the surrealist side here, as I have presented in other poems of mine. Thank you for the feed-back and the sustainment.

Cheers my friend!


 =  Thank you Willy!
Marius Surleac
[27.Oct.08 20:44]
Willy, I will leave you with this image. :)

You're perfectly right: tradition here is sustained by the religious effect which is the main theme, reflecting the sin and the forgiveness as well, because God won't forget us all. Modernity - all the periods are diluted when we talk about beliefs, but here can be a sort of attention for the something a bit weird.

Glad you liked it and thank you very much for the star and for the fact that you are always very close to my texts and for the feedbacks.

Thank you my friend!

With respect and honour,

 =  marius
Corina Gina Papouis
[27.Oct.08 22:21]
a bit late my arrival but you know what they say: 'better late than never'...a masterpiece written with - if I may say - more determination, with a tougher pen or something.
I liked that! keep it up! (that feeling...)

 =  thank you Corina!
Marius Surleac
[28.Oct.08 10:48]
Corina, never is too late! I appreciate your kind words. I don't think there's more determination but different views with different feelings.


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