Comentariile membrilor:

 =  nice poem, Corina
Laura Cherecheº
[05.Feb.10 17:45]
and, hey, that's my man too, may I join you? My meeting place is the end of the rainbow "with a red scarf/round my heart/ and butterflies/ in my hair/ I'll be waiting for you/ at the end/ of the rainbow", he/they(?) will be quite confused with so many butterflies all around :)
May our waiting not be too long :)


 =  Laura:)
Corina Gina Papouis
[10.Feb.10 15:49]
yes, the waiting in two could prove fruitful. At least we wouldn’t get bored, because it could be a very long wait...:)))

 =  Sighing...
Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
[19.Feb.10 00:20]
I love so much this poem. It makes me think of a modern tzpe of Prince Charming.
I really adore the following lines:

"I am looking for man
with serious intentions of changing the world,
who is good at fixing broken ideals
and paring up illusions
by colour/ year/ trend"

Hm... it looks like we have similar thoughts. It's sad that the "blue butterfly" is hard to fine, for ordinary men don't fit to the ideal type.

Cheers from

 =  I like this one, Corina-
John Willy Kopperud
[19.Feb.10 10:34]
-though I think you'd better write "a man". Since it's a follow-up and originally
written in Romanian (?) I suspect this is a remnant of Romanian syntax.Another detail for the short-sighted: "bare foot?" I do think that must be written "barefoot." But these are details, though and the poem is enjoyable. A favorite here: "without large tattoos on his heart." That rings a bell! A slight echo comes to mind: "Open my heart and you will see/engraved upon it Italy" - isn't that the great Victorian Robert Browning? Some very fine and fresh images here!
Cheers from Willy

 =  and..
Corina Gina Papouis
[20.Feb.10 16:28]
thank you both for stopping by? I have made the adjustments suggested, Willy...hope it flows be honest I still love more the Romanian version, not biased here, just aware of own limitations...:)

cheers to you both!


 =  The adjustments make a difference-
John Willy Kopperud
[20.Feb.10 18:52]
-in the positive sense, Corina. I shan't be able to compare, since I unfortunately have no skills as to your mother tongue.
Cheers from Willy

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