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 =  cu gura apa
Sandra Hanna Segal
[22.Mar.05 08:18]
Toata aceasta discutie faina despre arta traducerii m-a lasat cu gura apa dupa o mica mostra de maiestrie dan-solomonica. La ce bun sa vorbim atat despre ciocolata daca nu se imparte nici o bucatica?

 =  nu e din lipsa de respect ci de disciplina
Sandra Hanna Segal
[22.Mar.05 08:51]
Scuza-ma ca revin asa curand, fara macar sa bat la usa. Nu e din lipsa de respect ci de disciplina, intrucat un om disciplinat se asigura ca a pus totul intr-un comentariu inainte sa-l trimita.
M-am intors doar pentru ca voiam sa atasez o mica mostra din traducerea lui Michael Weingrad (1999)care nu mi s-a parut lipsita de merit. Ia-o ca pe o dovada de interes fata de articolul tau.

"Yes, I was a man like other men,
nourished on bread, on dreams, on despair. Oh, yes,
I loved, I wept, I hated, I suffered,
I bought flowers and did not always
pay my rent. Sundays I went to the country
to cast for unreal fish under the eye of God,
I bathed in the river
that sang among the rushes and I ate fried potatoes
in the evening. And afterwards, I came back for bedtime
tired, my heart weary and full of loneliness,
full of pity for myself,
full of pity for man,
searching, searching vainly upon a woman's belly
for that impossible peace we lost
some time ago, in a great orchard where,
flowering, at the center,
is the tree of life.
Like you I read all the papers, all the bestsellers,
and I have understood nothing of the world"

fragment, "Prefata", "Exodul: Super Fulmina Babylonis"

 =  Sandrei Hanna: poemele lui Fundoianu în engleză
marlena braester
[22.Mar.05 18:47]
Voi posta câteva poeme în traducerea lui Dan Solomon la "clasici" pe pagina engleză a Agoniei

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