Comentariile membrilor:

[03.Jan.02 12:37]
ce inseamna luna albastra?
mi-a placut ideea.

mi-a adus aminte de un citat: "Daca gasesti o cheie de aur si nu stii ce sa descui cu ea, n-o arunca. Aurul este suficient." :)

 =  pt alpheratz
[03.Jan.02 23:00]
"blue moon" se refera la un fenomen astronomic in care o luna plina apare de 2 ori pe luna, e un fenomen ce se repeta intre 10-30 de aici shi spusa "once in a blue moon" which means once in a while...the moon is not actually blue, but due to the haze created by the ozone it gives it a bluish tint, hence the name :)...idea being that it is something rare which is meant to be enjoyed and appreciated!!! I hope you did :))

 =  ah... striptease poetic!?
[05.Jan.02 03:39]

i like the idea of a mushroom cloud above your head! (HIROSHIMA!?!)

 =  ptr. SvV
[05.Jan.02 20:54]
Hiroshima,almost! More to the power released. I wonder if I glow in the dark now :)))

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